MappyField 365 for Finance Industry: Challenges, Solutions, and More

MappyField 365 for Finance Industry: Challenges, Solutions, and More

Riddhi Faldu

May 31st, 2024

To understand how MappyField 365 can help the finance sector, it is important to understand the challenges it has been facing for years.

There are some common challenges like visiting unknown locations, difficulty in managing appointments, and much more that any Insurance company, Bank, or Stock Broker would have surely faced.

Before we jump into the solution, it is important first to understand those challenges in detail.

Some of the Major Challenges Faced by Finance Industry

1. Visiting Unknown Locations

Agents are always on the move, meeting clients, checking out properties, and attending events. But half the time, they navigate places they have never been.

Now, let’s be real – trying to find your way in unfamiliar territory can be a real headache. They have to constantly check Google Maps, hoping they don’t take a wrong turn and end up in the middle of nowhere. It’s like playing a game of “Where’s Waldo?” but with higher stakes.

And let’s remember first impressions. Showing up late or looking lost doesn’t exactly scream “professionalism,” right? Clients want someone they can trust and get their act together.

2. Finding Help or a Place to Take a Break:

Running around all day is tough, trying to keep up with meetings and deadlines. Sounds exhausting, right? Now, what if you need something in between? Maybe you need to refill the gas or have a cup of coffee.

Finding a cozy corner can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack when you’re stuck in unfamiliar territory. Switching between apps to find what is nearby is not really helpful.

3. Managing Traveling Hours and Medium of Transport:

It is time management, and appropriate selection of modes of transportation are two critical factors that have a rippling effect on productivity and success. Many times, in this profession, a professional keeps negotiating his way through city streets and highway traffic to visit the client, for a meeting. Back-to-back meetings where every minute counts, sitting bumper-to-bumper in traffic, and at the same time waiting for an extra hour at the bus stop are not just irritating but unproductive. This is when you could have instead productively run the business or utilized the time with the client.

4. Managing Appointments:

Keeping track of appointments is like juggling multiple balls in the air simultaneously. It requires precision, organization, and a keen eye for detail. Finance professionals are constantly inundated with client meetings, networking events, and deadlines, making effective appointment management a paramount concern.

Missed appointments or scheduling conflicts can have far-reaching consequences and can directly impact client trust.

MappyField 365 as a Solution

MappyField 365 is designed to revolutionize how finance professionals navigate, interact, and manage their workflow.

Visualize CRM Records on Map with Data Plotting Feature:

MappyField 365’s data plotting feature takes CRM to new heights with a visual representation of CRM records on an interactive map. Gone are the days of referring to endless lists and spreadsheets. With MappyField 365, you can effortlessly plot client locations, offices, and potential leads on a map interface. This enhances data visualization and enables users to identify geographic patterns and clusters. You will also have valuable insights into your client base. By centralizing CRM data in a visually intuitive format, MappyField 365 empowers you to make more informed decisions, tailor strategies, and easily strengthen client relationships.

Find Everything within the Nearby Proximity:

The feature embedded within the MappyField app caters to all the needs of a finance professional. It empowers them to easily locate the amenities and services available in the vicinity, whether it’s the nearest coffee shop for a quick perk, a local restaurant for a client luncheon, or the closest ATM for stress-free cash withdrawal. Access details, reviews, and directions for all locations in the easiest way possible, enabling most searches to be fulfilled, quick decisions to be taken, and daily tasks to be completed on time.

Find the Quickest Route with Route Optimization:

MappyFields Route Optimization removes the guesswork in this process, ensuring that users reach their destination in the minimum time possible. It uses robust algorithms and continually updated real-time traffic data, such as traffic conditions and road closures, even considering the preferred mode of transportation to find the most efficient route. It saves time and related travel stress, allowing finance professionals ample time to focus on delivering exceptional service to clients and attaining business objectives.

Quick Appointment Tracking:

MappyField 365 has an intuitive interface for users to update and track appointments in real-time. You can set meeting timings, ensuring no opportunity is missed or an appointment overlooked. Our extension makes it easy for your team to manage multiple appointments.


MappyField 365 is a game-changer for the finance industry, offering innovative solutions to overcome its inherent challenges. By empowering professionals with advanced mapping and productivity tools, MappyField 365 enhances efficiency, improves customer service, and drives business growth. To learn more about MappyField, book a demo right away.

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