Pre-Scheduled Order Delivery Service: How Can You Make the Most of It?

Pre-Scheduled Order Delivery Service: How Can You Make the Most of It?

Maulik Shah

May 31st, 2017

It is quite challenging for online store owners working in the competitive ecommerce space to handle the supply chain logistics. Nevertheless, it is very important to make accurate and timely order delivery to the customers. With ecommerce giants like Amazon promising same day delivery, it has become a norm to deliver orders on time.

If you own a Magento based online store, it’s time for you to enhance your order delivery services. The question here is, “How?” There are Magento based ecommerce extensions that help your customers to pre-schedule their order delivery. At AppJetty, we also have an extension for this. Called Delivery Date Scheduler, it’s a nifty little extension that removes uncertainty from your order delivery process.

Through this article, we will know how you can make the most of such extensions and make your order delivery process more certain and efficient for your customers.

Offer an estimated delivery date

Not all customers expect business owners to deliver their order on the same day. But offering an estimated delivery date certainly gives you an edge over your competitors. Now, this might seem like a very obvious thing to do. But a lot of online stores do not provide this facility. For eg, If someone is looking for a last minute anniversary gift, he/she would definitely choose to buy from an online store that provides a particular date and time of delivery. This is because customers get an idea about when the product is likely to arrive and the amount of extra price that needs to be added.

Provide multiple shipping options

For an emergency delivery situation like the one mentioned above, you can provide different shipping options through your extension. For eg, Fedex offers 5 types of delivery options whereas UPS provides eight different shipping services from same day delivery to 5 business days. Customer can choose a shipping service that is most convenient and trustworthy and place an order accordingly.

Set minimum and maximum time intervals

Apart from giving the freedom of setting delivery date to the customers, admin can also set minimum and maximum time intervals for the delivery of products. This can be done while placing orders from the backend. Also, multiple addresses can be added in the checkout page by making delivery date compulsory. The fixed time intervals provide an option for the customers to choose from the available dates. This brings convenience to both – the vendor and the customer.

Push notifications

Delivery date scheduling extensions also provide an option to integrate shipping notification facility to your system. Through this automated system, you can send a notification to customer once the delivery is given to the carrier. This gives an idea to the customer as to when the order is expected to arrive. Sending push notifications helps you to lessen the amount of calls received from customers enquiring about the expected date and time of delivery.

Monitor and track delivery orders

As a lot of orders are dispatched from your ecommerce store, it is quite likely that you might lose a track to some of them. Through a scheduler extension, you can have a section on the dashboard of your backend that keeps you updated about all the latest delivery orders. Not only that, you can also track all the latest delivery orders and have a repository of your data.

Apart from the above mentioned functions, you can also let the customers know about your work timings, help them to manage delivery orders through a user-friendly UI and send reminder emails. If you want to have a customer centric online business, you must improve your order delivery process. Make sure you invest into an extension like this so that you can save time and efforts spent after streamlining the delivery process. It can work wonders for both you and your customers.

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