Webinar Rewind: Ultimate Calendar for Dynamics 365

Webinar Rewind: Ultimate Calendar for Dynamics 365

Riddhi Faldu

October 4th, 2022

We recently organized a webinar on Ultimate Calendar for Dynamics 365. We spilled some beans on why and who in your organization needs Calendar 365 integration. In case you missed it, here is what we discussed:

  • Why calendar?
  • Operational challenges
  • Who needs a calendar
  • What is Calendar 365?
  • Why Calendar 365?

We also have some interesting questions from our attendees. Here are some of them:

  • Does the calendar app show the activity created in outlook?
  • Can we get meeting reminders before 15 mins via email?
  • Can I drag and drop the events between days? Or can you reassign the event to a user?
  • How does your calendar cope with CRM security roles?
  • What are other color coding options available in your product besides activity colors?
  • How many entities can I configure for the entity calendar?
  • Can we manage recurring meetings on the calendar?

We discussed all the above points in detail and answered all these questions in our webinar. Here is the link to our webinar recording, where you can get it all!

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